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You can get badge by read badge page

Reputation is shown under your user, and in your user profile page. When someone "likes" your post or gives you any other type of reaction (minus anger), you will receive +1 reputation. The more you post and the more quality your posts have, the more reputation you'll get.

They are silly badges you get for doing certain things on the forum. They don't give you anything, it's just for you to prove just how handsome and cool you are.

There is a button at the bottom left of the page for that.

by tips , share value post , reply , comments , information , if users likes and get benefits give you tips

Yes. Click on their username. Then you can click the "report or block" button.


The same way you do anywhere else: Don't post personal information (real name, address, phone, email, pictures, etc), unless you are comfortable exposing that information to the whole internet. You can use a vpn as well when posting. In short, don't post anything that can tie your real identity to your identity here, and of course don't post anything illegal.